
Showing posts from November 23, 2019

Silicon Material Name,Property,Use,types and conditions. Hindi or English

                             Silicon Material Silicon Material Introduction...:-          Silicon (Si), a nonmetallic substance component in the carbon family (Group 14 [IVa] of the occasional table). Silicon makes up 27.7 percent of Earth's crust; it is the second most inexhaustible component in the crust, being outperformed uniquely by oxygen.                  The name silicon gets from the Latin silex or silicis, signifying "rock" or "hard stone." Undefined natural silicon was first disconnected and portrayed as a component in 1824 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish scientific expert. Sullied silicon had just been gotten in 1811. Crystalline essential silicon was not set up until 1854, when it was acquired as a result of electrolysis. As shake gem, be that as it may, silicon was commonplace to the predynastic Egyptians, ...